Friday, May 20, 2016

Friday Flower Pick : Jacaranda Trees

Purple Jacaranda Trees in Santa Monica, CA.

Purple Jacaranda Trees in Santa Monica, CA.

Purple Jacaranda Trees in Santa Monica, CA.

Purple Jacaranda Trees in Santa Monica, CA.

Purple Jacaranda Trees in Santa Monica, CA.

Purple Jacaranda Trees in Santa Monica, CA.

When the weather forecast is cloudy with a chance of Jacarandas,
even the most ordinary day, complete with a to-do list and endless errands to run,
becomes something wonderfully magical.

Trees lining so many Santa Monica streets burst into magnificent
lavender-purple bloom for a few weeks each spring, delighting residents
and tourists alike with their exotic color and fairy bell-like flowers,
and showering passersby with falling blossoms.
There's a carpet of purple underfoot and a spring daydream of a scene overhead.

That's the gift of the Jacarandas...
And I'm ready with open arms and open aperture to receive it!!


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