Admiring the abundant roses, in every glorious shade of pretty 'n pink, I've spent a lot of time in Pacific Palisades this week!!...In fact, if you've seen a purple 3.75 mm crochet hook on Montana Ave, between the ocean and's mine!! (Bounced out of my bike basket somewhere along the way:-)
...Inspired by the blossoms' beautiful blushing colors, I decided to take my pink cotton gauze caftans for a spin and celebrate the season with maximum mermaid style!!
I'm not ready to be done with Easter just yet!!
A passing glimpse of my Easter basket still fills me surprise and delight, even if all the chocolate is gone=)...and the remembrance of the magical stillness and golden sunshine one would want on a beautiful Easter morning, still fills my soul!!
This gorgeous, coral-colored rose was another part of that magic last Sunday morning, and the sparrows and mockingbirds filling the bottle brush tree outside my window are still singing her praises!!
Happy Easter from Mademoiselle♥Mermaid!!
...Hope you had a cheerful, colorful day full of surprises 'n delights!!
What could be more irresistible and inviting to a fairy on spring morning, than a splash in this darling fairy bath?!! I can just imagine her, perched on the curve of one of those magenta petals, playfully kicking at the water as her butterfly wings flutter in the breeze I make as I sauntered by=)
May I introduce my lovely, new, gold hologram hair turban?!
...It's just in=)
...and just like you, it's made to sparkle in the sun:-)!!
Featuring a beautiful gold metallic fabric- positively covered in rainbow glitter, you'll look lovely in it with your hair tucked up as you relax at the sea shore (probably while wearing one of those cute, retro, high-waisted bikinis!!)
...Or let it cause a sensation at your next music festival when you wear it with mermaid hair and a gypsy styled look!!
Happy Mermaid♥Monday!!
If a rose is a rose is a rose is a rose...
then I've been positively showered with blossoms this week!! The spring witch-work is in the air, the flower pick-ing walks and dazzling daylight hours are getting longer...And so many rose bushes are bursting into bloom!!
Here are a few of my favorite picks from a recent meander through a favorite little spot- adorned with blue bird boxes, butterflies, hummingbirds, and fairy souls!!
If you're feeling a burst of renewed passion and have a little extra spring in your step these days, thank the abundant Aries energy ruling the month!!
Perfect for anything from spring cleaning to beachside spring dreaming, I suggest some gorgeous red garments to match the fire in your soul=)!!
Happy Birthday, Aries Mermaids!!